Declaration of Trust - UDeclare 信托宣告书

“Fish do it, so can you.”
A Cichlid fish (one of which is the common Tilapia) couple will take turns to fan their eggs with their fins to increase oxygen flow. After the young hatch, the parents continue to care for and protect them. When there is a threat from a predator, they will suck the young into their mouth until the danger is gone. Such wonderful devotion! Many animals go to great lengths to prepare their young for survival in life. We, as parents, can make sure our young children are taken care of if we are no longer around through a trust.

What is Declaration of Trust (UDeclare)?

Our UDeclare is a Declaration of Trust that is simple, flexible and powerful providing for your loved ones and securing their financial well-being. Under UDeclare, a trust is set up by you as trustee with Rockwills Trustee as your back up trustee. This prevents any delay in allowing your beneficiaries to enjoy the trust assets.

In our UDeclare, you need not transfer the assets yet, until any of the following events (as determined by you) occurs:
  • Death
  • Total Permanent Disability (TPD)
  • Critical Illness
  • Mental Disability
  • Resignation as trustee
  • Disappearance for a period of time
  • Comatose
You may also include other specific events to enable us to act as trustee.

How to set up UDeclare?

Benefits of UDeclare

  • Speedy distribution
UDeclare prevents delay and provides for fast distribution to your beneficiaries in their time of need or it can be accumulated for a specified period.
  • Control
When you act as the Trustee, you will have full control of the assets placed into the Trust.
  • Flexibility
During your lifetime, you can be one of the beneficiaries in the trust. So, at any time, you will be able to withdraw your portion in UDeclare when there is a need to do so.
  • Cost savings
When you are acting as the trustee, there are no transfer costs involved to Rockwills Trustee so you will be able to save on certain fees such as stamp duty, legal fees and the trustee’s annual fee.
  • Continuity
As Rockwills Trustee Bhd is your backup trustee, your instructions in you Trust will continue to be carried out providing for your during illness and disability and to your beneficiaries when you are no longer around.
  • Impartiality
Your beneficiaries will also benefit from our independent position as we shall act impartially and fairly to all beneficiaries. This safeguards their individual interests in the trust.
  • Protection for your beneficiaries
With the appointment of a Protector as a watchdog and advisor to the trustee, there is clear protection of your beneficiaries’ interest.
  • Professional & Experienced
By appointing Rockwills Trustee as your substitute trustee, you ensure that your instructions in the trust are carried out by a professional and experienced trustee.
Before you set up a trust, you need to be aware of anti-money laundering regulations.


如果要一个更完善的规划, 让你的遗产获得更多的保障, 您可能需要考虑成立一个信托基金,以帮助您的亲人。


乐委Rockwills Trustee的信托宣告书是为您的亲人提供和保障他们的经济福祉.当您设立UDeclare信托后,乐委Rockwills Trustee 将作为您的后备信托人。这可以防止任何延误, 让您的受益人享有信托财产。 设立UDeclare信托后, 您无须当下转让产业, 除非当以下任何一项触发事件的发生。
  • 死亡
  • 终身残废
  • 严重性疾病
  • 昏迷状态
  • 信托人辞职
  • 失踪*
您还能加入其他特别事件, 例如:何时乐委信托可以取代托管人执行信托的任务。

UDeclare 的运作


  • 1. 途取回财
  • 2. 共享购买房产
  • 3. 提供给年幼孩子,单亲家庭,年长父母成立信托基金用于医疗、教育等支出
  • 4. 代理人持有的股份
  • 5. 股份立即转移
  • 6. 第二个家庭
  • 7. 提供给特殊儿童,成立信托基金确保孩子的保障和养育资源




  • UDeclare 的通融性
  • 在您的有生之年,您可以是其中一名的受益人,并持续享受UDeclare信托内的财产。 所以, 在任何一项触发事件的发生后, 您或您的亲人可以提取属于您在UDeclare信托的部分资产。
  • 快速分配
  • UDeclare信托可避免任何延迟并快速进行分配财产给有需要受益人或者让信托人继续掌管产业至到一个特定的时期。
  • 节省费用
  • 当托管人也是信托人时,产业不需要转让于乐委Rockwills 信托。您可节省一些费用如印花税,律师费和信托人年度管理费。
  • 大功无私
  • 乐委Rockwills 信托 是独立个体,所以, 我们将会公正公平的对待每一位受益人。 这将保护他们在信托里的个人利益。
  • 为您的受益人提供保障
  • 委任守护人 Protector看守和提供意见给信托人可以给予受益人足够的利益保障。
  • 专业以及经验丰富
  • 委任乐委Rockwills 信托为代替信托人 Substitute Trustee, 您可确定UDeclare信托内的指示将由专业和经验丰富的信托人来执行。
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