Chong Mok Yong 張木榮

Chong Mok Yong is a Rockwills licenced Senior Franchisee (Franchisee Code 3038001) and a Senior Rockwills Estate Planner. He specializes in Will-Writing and Trust services under the brand name of Rockwills and is fulltime in the business for the last 15 years. He is a qualified Registered Financial Consultant, RFC (USA) and an Associate Estate Planner Practitioner (AEPP) under EPPL. He operates an authorized Rockwills Service Centre (PSC) in Kuala Lumpur. An ex-bank Treasury and Capital Market Senior Manager with more than 18 years of Treasury and Banking experience, he was attached to various banks and finance companies before venturing into estate planning business under Rockwills.
After joining Rockwills, with his vast exposure in banking, his passion and professionalism in Will-Writing and Trust, he has helped thousands of clients protecting their families and loved ones; their hard earned assets and business through a comprehensive and function Will or the establishment of a Trust. To-date, he has written few thousands of Wills.

He has been awarded the followings Champion awards and recognitions:

  • 2016 Rockwills President Award
  • 2016 Rockwills Chairman Trophy Award (Estate Planner with the Highest No. of Wills)
  • 2016 Rockwills Challenge Trophy Award (Estate Planner with the Highest Gross Sales)
On April 22, 2012, Mr. Chong gave a Will Talk in Ipoh, Perak. The next day, on 23/4/2012 the leading and premier Chinese newspaper Nanyang Siang Pau featured headline on the national cover page “40 Billions Assets looking for Heir” . The importance of Writing a Will and Rockwills was highlighted on the front page of the premier newspaper for the first time after reporters interviewed Mr. Chong and attended his Will Talks the day before. Every day, Mr. Chong is in the spreading of the message “Please write a functional Will, it is the legal document that can help to protect your assets and family and make your wishes come true!”. With the support from Rockwills Trustee Berhad, Mr. Chong also provides Trust services to both individual and corporations. By introducing Trust services to his clients, the welfare of many family members of his clients are protected and they do not have to face financial difficulties. An informative booklet with the title:- “The 88 Faq on Will-Writing, Trust & Estate Administration” was compiled by Mr. Chong in year 2003. Currently, he is still actively recruiting new franchisees to join the premier group in ‘The CMY Group’ in Rockwills.
張木榮被评为乐委信托机构最佳杰出贡献遗嘱执行及信托’百强大师’。2016 Rockwills President Award, 2016 Rockwills Chairman Trophy Award, 2016 Rockwills Challenge Trophy Award. 張木榮是乐委信托机构授权的高级特许经营商(特许经营商代码3038001)。他曾经是一位各家银行和金融公司的财资和资本市场高级经理,拥有超过18年的国库和银行经验。他加入乐委信托机构作为一名合格的注册财务顾问,RFC(美国)和及遗产继承规划执业者(AEPP)。 多年以来,潜心研究了遗嘱执行及信托,对相关法律法规进行了汇编和解读,并建立了遗嘱执行大全。張木榮对嘱执行及信托的具体法律问题进行大量的研究,办理了大量疑难复案件。他精通法律问题,并办理继承、婚姻家庭、等相关案件。具有深厚的理论基础和丰富的实践经验。到目前为止,張先生已经为他的客户编写了数千个遗嘱并设立了许多私人信托。 張木榮还多次应邀参加媒体遗嘱案件点评活动。張先生协助许多的客户的家庭成员的福利受到保护,他们不必面对财政困难或家庭争执。

Veronica Wong 黃貝環律师

Veronica Wong Pei Huan has been a Rockwills Estate Planner of Rockwills Corporation since December 2015. She was educated at Methodist Ladies’ College, Melbourne and then at Monash University where she obtained Bachelor of Economics. After graduating, she moved to United Kingdom. In 1996, she obtained a LLB (Hons) from University of Buckingham. She further holds a Master of Science in Investment Management from City University of London. In 2000, she returned to Malaysia to begin her career in Finance. A few years later she continued her study and holds the Certificate in Legal Practice. She was admitted to the High Court of Malaya as an Advocate & Solicitor in 2009. She began her career in legal practice in a leading firm in Kuala Lumpur. Veronica advises in connection with Wills, Estate Administration, Probate, Inheritance Dispute, Cross Border Jurisdiction, Inheritance Tax and the setting up of Private Trusts to ensure the best solution for protecting assets and wealth. She specialises in drafting of Comprehensive Wills and Trust Deeds for high net worth estates. She also deals with Conveyancing and Land law issues.
As ever, as a qualified Advocate & Solicitor, she can look at your individual circumstances and tailor the Will to your wishes and creating or restructuring of Private Trusts to assist you to take control your family future.
自2015年12月起,黄贝环担任乐委信托机构的遗嘱执行及信托專員。她在澳洲墨尔本的卫理公会女子学院接受教育,然后完成蒙纳士大学经济学学士学位。毕业后,她前往英国深造。 1996年,她获得了白金汉大学法律荣誉学士学位。她还拥有伦敦城市大学金融投资管理硕士学位。 完成学业后,她在2000年回到马来西亚。当时她在金融服务业工作。几年后,她继续法律学业,并持有马来西亚法律專業文憑。2009年,她通过马来亚高等法院的律师资格担任执业律师。她在吉隆坡一家领先律师事务所从事法律业务。 黃律师专注于提供继承、婚姻家庭、家族财富传承领域的法律服务,以确保保护资产和财富的最佳解决方案。能为客户处理继承事务提供相关的遗产执行人服务,并能结合股权规划、信托、保险、见证、财富监管遗嘱执行等提供最适合的综合财富传承方案。 黃律师执业多年,既有严谨个性及强烈使命感,又有女性独有的细腻、人文视角。行事则立足于客观现状,全局系统地考虑方案,以达成当事人目标为导向,是兼顾法律专业思维、商业项目运作思维、尊重人性思维的综合型律师。 黄律师熟悉使用中文,英文,马来文法律的研究基本。目前从事国际私法又称冲突法的研究工作。
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